Monday, April 7, 2008

Father/Daughter Dance

Every year Eve's school holds a Father/Daughter Dance. This year Eve and Ed decided to wear their Chinese silks. Aren't they sweet.

Chinese New Year

Here is Ellie on her first Chinese New Year at home. We simply love this photo.

Ellie's First Snow

This photo is of Ellie on her first day out in the snow.

1 yr anniversay of DOR

This photo was taken on the anniversay of Ellie's Date of Referral. She is really growing.

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is such a wonderful times for our family. Eve's name comes from that time, because after years of infertility, it was only when I was down on my knees before our Lord on Chirstmas Eve of 1997 that a child was given to me. God gifted me the child of Eve. "Thank you Father"

This Christmas Eve during the candlelight service our daughter sang "Away In a Manager" for our church family. Simply beautiful. It is so humbling to see this child God gifted to us giving back to Him.

Here is a picture of both our girls that evening.